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Make your city smarter with efficient urban cleaning through the set of solutions offered by SIGELU.
The SIGELU consists of a set of solutions designed exclusively for the improvement of municipal public services, making cities smart, connected, and inclusive.
Its modules cater to a wide range of sectors:
Reduction from 1 hour and 30 minutes to 20 minutes in the average vehicle inspection time
More than 5000 km of routes mapped
More than 20% savings due to route optimization
40% reduction in the average time to solve urban cleaning issues
The platform allows the Public Servant to receive the citizen's request through cloud technology.
Smart maps and filters assist in problem resolution, and the georeferencing system enables conservation agents to identify the location and quickly find a solution.
How does it work?
The request is opened through the SIGELU web interface or app.
The Manager monitors their team in real-time and can track the status of requests. This ensures that citizens have their requests addressed as quickly as possible.
Teams in the field receive the calls and address the requests through the application.
Management through tools for route planning, driver navigation, and real-time route and vehicle monitoring.
How does it work?
• Management of collection points, garages, waste treatment centers (CTRs), and transfer points;
• Management of routes, frequency, collection areas, and operational data
App-based navigation with the ability to identify incidents.
Operation Monitoring
• Management of route execution, including trip status, notifications, performance indicators, and traveled addresses;
• Creation of inspection checklists;
• Registration of waste disposal tickets.
Fleet Management
• Management of vehicles and their maintenance status;
• Real-time monitoring through georeferencing;
• Registration of waste disposal tickets
The application allows managers and drivers to track their team's routes with geolocated and real-time information.
The system allows citizens to find the nearest collection point to their residence and track the days and times of routes.
With SIGELU, it is possible for a public official to inspect and issue warnings/fines in real-time using a smartphone and a portable printer.
How does it work?
Citations are issued in real-time using smartphones with the Fiscaliza app.
The penalty or warning is delivered to the offender and printed using a portable printer.
Go Further
The system allows for the registration of different measures and penalties such as Warning, Confiscation, Citation, and Notification for multiple legislations.
Our solution contributes to the digital transformation of cities and directly impacts 3 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
06 Clean Water and Sanitation;
12 Responsible Consumption and Production;
16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.
Copyright 2025 © Todos os direitos reservados.
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