Zelus: the intelligent solution for Public Safety in cities

Provide greater security for citizens using an intelligent system with various tools.

Zelus Hero

Zelus Features

Zelus offers a set of tools to enhance the management of public safety in cities:

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Incident Response and Dispatch

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Contract, Vehicle, and Team Management

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Shift and Overtime Management

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Infraction Monitoring

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Incident Map

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Smart Reports and Dashboards

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Incident Response and Dispatch

Efficient incident registration and tracking.

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Incident Map

Clusters are color-coded based on the number of incidents recorded in the locations.

Access from Anywhere

A system compatible with any device for remote and real-time access.

Zelus Hero
Zelus Escolas

School Patrol

The Zelus system provides technological resources that strengthen the work of public safety officers in the vicinity of educational institutions, optimizing activities related to:

Aim to prevent violence, deter criminal activities, and ensure a safe educational environment for students, teachers, and staff.

Environmental Protection

Zelus provides tools that assist in various environmental protection activities, from incident management, allowing the registration and tracking of complaints, inspections, and actions taken, to providing efficient and mobile communication resources.

Zelus Meio Ambiente
Zelus Mulheres

Maria da Penha Law

The Zelus system aids specialized public safety teams operating in municipalities to ensure the protection and assistance of women who are victims of domestic and family violence, as established by the Maria da Penha Law.

Ready to provide more efficient public safety?

Cidade Rio de Janeiro Zelus

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